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Hockey Dieppe Memramcook
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Welcome to the Dieppe Memramcook Hockey website


2024-2025 SCHEDULE 

The evaluations will be on September 28 & 29 (schedule TBA when we will get closer to the start of the season).  The practices will start on the week of October 15.  Once the teams are made, you will receive an invitation from Teamsnap to join your team.

Coordinator U9 Division: Amy Boudreau  506.227.8240

Evaluation process

U9 Hockey Program Philosophy

  • Hockey Canada developed the program to ensure that a child’s early experiences with hockey are delivered in a safe and positive experience.
  • The program enables participants to become contributing members of a team effort, develop self-confidence and experience a sense of personal achievement.


U9 Hockey Goals

  • To have fun while playing hockey and engaging in physical activity.
  • To learn the fundamental skills required to play the game of hockey.
  • To develop and refine basic motor patterns.
  • To be introduced to the concepts of cooperation and fair play.


Useful links


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