50/50 Lottery Winners

Here are the winners of the 50/50 Lottery for the 2023 – 2024 season

Terri-Amme Leblanc 26,888.00 - Gagnante Novembre.jpg (612 KB)

Terri Anne Leblanc – Winner of the November draw for $28 688.00

Gisele Tremblay - Gagnante Décembre.JPG (4.05 MB)

Gisele Tremblay – Winner of the December draw for $29 379.00

Gagant Janvier Paul Thellab.jpg (1.04 MB)

Paul Thellab – Winner of the January draw for $33 026.00

Leslie Mitrevics -Gagante Février.jpg (606 KB)

Leslie Mitrevics – Winner of the Fevruary draw for $29 602.00

Terry Veneau - Gagnant Mars.jpg (578 KB)

Terry Veneau – Winner of the March draw for $32 751.00

Here are the winners of the 50/50 Lottery for the 2022 – 2023 season

1er tirage 5 décembre - Neil Davies - $26,170.JPG (3.79 MB)

Neil Davies – Winner of the November draw for $26 170.00

2e tirage 9 janvier - Aimie Vienneau - $26,443.JPG (4.26 MB)

Aimie Vienneau – Winner of the December draw for $26 443.00

Gagnant 3e tirage - Claudine Doiron.JPG (4.62 MB)

Claudine Doiron – Winner of the January draw for $25 676.00

Gagnant 4e tirage - Diane Léger.JPG (3.80 MB)
Diane Léger – Winner of the March draw for $23 665.00

Gagant - 5e tirage - Frank Gautreau.jpg (1.53 MB)

Frank Gautreau – Winner of the April draw for $28 201.00

Here are the winners of the 50/50 Lottery for the 2020 – 2021 season

Sonia Doiron.jpeg (2.09 MB)


Sonia Doiron – Winner of the November draw for $10 247.00

Crystal Clement.jpg (551 KB)

Crystal Clement – Winner of the December draw for $12 819.00

Gélas Chiasson photo.jpg (1.28 MB)

Gélas Chiasson – Winner of the January draw for $12 350.00

Stacy Nicholson – Winner of the February draw for $12 729.00

photo Annie Lanteigne.jpg (611 KB)

Annie Lanteigne – Winner of the March draw for $15 674.00